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Beautiful rainbow coloring on this 4-inch diameter throwing star. Perfect for practice or competition.
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This can of Ajax cleaner makes a great hidden safe because no thief is going to clean your tub or kitchen. In fact, they are probably leaving you a big mess to clean up.
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It's always good to have a spare band around. If it breaks on you, you'll be back in business in no time.
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Instant alarm detects any vibration (when the glass is hit, knocked, or broken)
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Lipstick Hidden Knife 2.75" Concealed 1" Blade Self Defense
BrandsFEMME FATALE ColorBlack
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This item must be shipped to the Billing Address of the Credit Card used to purchase.  No exceptions! Ships Signature Required - You must sign for the package.
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The brand new Triad Stun Gun keeps you on the "cutting edge" of personal security by combining a powerful stun gun, an ear-piercing alarm, and an LED light in a device about half the size of an actual electric razor!
BrandsSafety Technology ColorBlack/Pink
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Police Mace Model Pepper Spray - Same size used by law enforcement personnel. Ideal for auto or home use. Full body hand grip. No Sales to Massachusetts or New York.
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Specially put together to save you time and money, these self defense kits combine the elements of a stun gun, a pepper spray, and a personal alarm.   No Sales to NY.
BrandsTBOTECH Choose PackagePackage 1
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This streaming action pepper spray is highly effective in stopping an attacker.  Made in USA. No Sales to Massachusetts or New York.
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A can of hairspray that keeps your valuables hidden safely - who's going to think you are hiding money in your hairspray?! This unique product has a hidden compartment stashed away inside that only you know it's there.
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A tactical neck knife that is ready when you are. Small, sharp, and goes where you go. Skeletonized grenade pattern handle. Neck Knife with Sheath - Choose from 3 color options!
BrandsMTech ColorBlack
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Every bathroom has a can of shaving cream under the sink or even next to it. Who would suspect that yours actually has a hidden compartment inside?
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Powerful Electric Stun Gun in a compact design easily concealable until you need to defend yourself. Or even just to light up an area with the super-powerful beam.
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A royal flush in poker means you are the winner! With no bluffing, these metal cards are top of their game and will stick pretty much anywhere you throw them.
BrandsTBOTECH Choose TypeRoyal Flush Spades - 5 Card Set
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Moon throwing stars are also known as shuriken in Japanese which literally translates to hidden hand blade.
BrandsTBOTECH ColorSilver
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You see these everywhere when you go shopping. The mall, the department store, pretty much everywhere you can look at the ceiling and see these. Bet you didn't think they weren't real!
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Pepper spray isn't just used by law enforcement as a means of control, in fact many citizens carry it on them for personal protection. No Sales to Massachusetts or New York.
BrandsPepper Shot ModelStream
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Three distinct striking points give you the upper hand. Fight back with the Shar-Key!
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This Ninja Keychain Weapon is a kubotan with extra spikes extending from it. These spikes protrude through your fingers while you are holding it in your fist.
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The tri-pack pepper spray is 3-in-1. This versatile pack will be with you in three different places: one on your keychain, in your car, and another in your home. Three different pepper sprays, all at one low price.
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When you attach this product to your keys, you will have a defensive weapon with you when you need it most.
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9 ounce size gives you plenty of capability to fend off an attack from even multiple assailants. No Sales to Massachusetts or New York.
BrandsWildfire Handle TypeFireMaster Actuator
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One of our most popular diversion safes, this hidden book safe has its center hollowed out so you can hide your valuables.
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This target board is great for throwing stars, knives, and spikes. It is 14.6 inches in diameter. Color and design may vary from image.
Since the first Attitude Adjuster was such a big hit, we decided to make it longer! The NEW Streetwise Attitude Adjuster 30,000,000 Stun Baton is 16.5" long and adjusts to 19".
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The pen knife is a nifty little self-defense item. It looks exactly like any regular pen because it is one and writes like one, yet it conceals a small and very sharp blade.
BrandsTBOTECH ColorBlack
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The Facts About Defense Sprays And How To Use Them To Bring Criminals To Their Knees. Learn best practices for using your defense spray.
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