Self Defense and Security Blog- page 20

Self Defense and Security Blog
What is Pepper Spray Made of?

What Is Pepper Spray Made Of?

If you've ever taken a bite of a hot chili pepper, you might be familiar with the sharp, burning sensation that seems to stick around no matter how much water you drink. Now, imagine that burning sensation all over your face--in your eyes, nose, and mouth. That's the idea behind pepper spray, a tool used for law enforcement purposes and self-defense...

Defensive Weapons College Students

6 Self Defensive Weapons Perfect for the College Student in Your Life

Life on campus can feel like living in a bubble--and for the most part, it is. Administration and campus security are focused on providing safe transportation and student protection. But this doesn't mean that your child is safe while walking back to their dorm late at night. Physical and sexual assault on campus is a harsh reality: students are at...

Self Protection Weapons

The 10 Most Unique Self Defense Weapons Money Can Buy

If you live alone, work late nights, or you've just moved to a new area, you can't be too careful. These situations can end poorly if you don't have a  self-protection device  on-hand. Not to mention, experienced attackers have no problem targeting people in the light of day or in large crowds. As such, you should always be ready if danger comes your...

Best States for Gun Owners

Standing by the Second Amendment: The Best States for Gun Owners

The right of the people to keep and bear arms is an amendment written into the Constitution at America's founding. Like the pursuit of liberty, this is a right integral to a truly democratic nation, one where individual freedoms are not limited in light of a higher power's interest. However, America has an intriguing and healthy mixture of voices,...

Children's Self Defense

5 Products Designed for Self Defense for Children

Even breaching the topic of self defense for children can set off the wrong kind of alarms. We don't want to think about the possibility of harm coming to children, let alone having to teach them to avoid it. For those with a fear of talking about safety with children, considering the alternatives rarely helps. Instead, it is best to consider how...

Self Defense Tools for Women

9 Essential Self Defense Tools For Women

Did you know that researchers have found that women who resist their attackers physically and verbally significantly  reduced the probability that sexual assault would happen ? As well, the report showed that these actions did not significantly increase the probability of serious injury. Therefore, it is important for women to prepare themselves...

Home Defense Gun

The Disadvantages of a Home Defense Gun

If you're like most Americans, you want to prepare in case of a break-in. But home defense doesn't require the use of lethal weapons. And keeping guns in the house may do more to hurt your family than to help them. The appeal to own a firearm seems like common sense. It is also a protected American right. We envision stopping violent intruders dead in...

Hidden Safe Ideas

The Coolest Hidden Safes and How to Hide Your Stuff

Where should you put hidden safes if you want to keep your valuables out of sight? We're talking  spy-level subterfuge . No one will ever suspect that you're hiding something when it's placed in the coolest, but surprisingly ingenious, places. This is important because the burglary rate in some states is hitting nearly  1,000 incidents per 100,000...

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