Caltrops and Makibishi

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No matter how they land, there is always a sharp edge pointing up. Ninja caltrops were used to stop or slow down a pursuing enemy.

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Caltrops and Makibishi – Tactical Defense Spikes

Caltrops and makibishi are ancient yet effective defensive tools used to stop or slow down pursuing enemies. These small, sharp spikes are designed so that a pointed end is always facing up no matter how they land. This ensures that anyone stepping on them will experience severe pain, causing them to stop and tend to their injury.

Set of 10 Caltrops

Key Features:

  • Material: High-quality metal for durability and sharpness.
  • Design: Four-pronged spikes ensure a sharp point is always facing up.
  • Set: Includes a set of 10 caltrops for comprehensive coverage.

Historical Use of Caltrops and Makibishi

Caltrops have been used since ancient times in various cultures, including by the Roman general Scipio Africanus and the Japanese ninja and samurai. These defensive spikes were scattered on the ground to create a barrier that would injure the feet of pursuing enemies, effectively slowing them down.

In Japan, they were known as makibishi and were used by both ninja and samurai to protect their fortifications. These spikes added a layer of defense, making it difficult for enemies to approach without sustaining injuries.

Modern Use of Caltrops

Today, caltrops are still used in modern applications, particularly by law enforcement to stop vehicles. When a vehicle drives over a strip of wire-connected spikes, it causes the tires to puncture, slowing the vehicle and allowing police to apprehend the occupants.

Practical Applications

  • Defense: Scatter caltrops to create a defensive barrier that slows down pursuers.
  • Tactical Training: Use in martial arts or tactical training to understand historical and modern defense techniques.
  • Historical Reenactment: Perfect for reenactments or demonstrations of ancient warfare tactics.

Why Choose Our Caltrops

Our caltrops are made from durable metal, ensuring they remain effective and sharp. The four-pronged design guarantees that a point is always facing up, making them reliable for defensive use. The set of 10 provides ample coverage for various applications.

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Enhance Your Defense

Equip yourself with our high-quality caltrops and makibishi to enhance your defensive measures. Whether for personal protection, tactical training, or historical reenactments, these spikes offer a practical and effective solution. Order your set of 10 caltrops today and experience the reliability and efficiency of these ancient defense tools.

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